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Curriculum vitae

Academic Positions

Assistant Professor of Western History, Seoul National University (2018-present)

Visiting Assistant Professor of History, University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2017-2018)

Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Pacific Lutheran University (2016-2017)

Adjunct Instructor, Stony Brook University (2011-2015)


Ph.D.    Early American History, Stony Brook University, New York, 2016

M.A.     Western History, Seoul National University, 2006

M.A.     Economics, Seoul National University, 2001

B.A.      Economics, Seoul National University, 1999


“Justices of the Peace, Lawyers, and the People: Local Courts and the Contested Professionalization of Law in Late Colonial New York.” (Stony Brook University, 2016)

Advisor: Donna J. Rilling (Stony Brook University)

Committee: Ned Landsman, Susan Hinely (Stony Brook University), Simon Middleton (College of William & Mary)


「미국의 기업들은 어떻게 시민권에 준하는 헌법적 기본권을 확보하였나?: 수정조항 14조와 미국 법인인격권의 탄생」 *2022년 출간 예정


“'Every Cord that Binds together the People to the Government': Local Magistracy and the Making of an Adjudicatory State in Early New York" *in progress

「재즈: 미국흑인 하위문화의 탈국가적 상상력」 *2022년 출간 예정

「권리의 사회적 구성: 남북전쟁 이전까지 미국 시민과 법인들의 지역화된 권리 형성」, 『미국사연구』 53 (2021)


「털사 인종 학살 사건 : 100년간 가려져 온 미국 사회의 민낯」, 『지식의 지평』 31 (2021)


「보편적 기본권을 향한 긴 여정: 19세기 흑인들의 권리 투쟁과 재건기 개헌, 그리고 미국의 국가적 시민권 수립」, 『서양사론』 151 (2021)

「북미 대륙사와 정착민 식민주의에 비추어 재해석한 미국 연방제의 기원」, 『서양사론』 146 (2020)

「영국인의 자유, 식민자의 권리: 영국 헌정주의, 정착민 식민주의, 그리고 미국 독립혁명의 대의(大義)」, 『미국사연구』 50 (2019)

“‘The Surest Support of Their Enormous and Iniquitous Claims’: Legal Expertise and Land Acquisition in Late Colonial New York,” Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 85: 2 (March 2018).


“‘In a Summary Way, with Expedition and at a Small Expence’: Justices of the Peace and Small Debt Litigation in Late Colonial New York,” American Journal of Legal History 57: 1 (March 2017) 


“Virtuous Characters in a Centralized State: A Reinterpretation of Alexander Hamilton’s Political Vision,” Studies in Western Histories 37 (Seoul: Seoul National University, January 2007).

Selected Presentations

“'In Order to Make Authority Submit to Their Terms': Local Courts, Professionalization, and the Problem of Legal Authority in Eighteenth-Century New York,” Annual Meeting, American Historical Association, 2022.

“Between Country Squire and Agent of Mob Rule: Justices of the Peace, Popular Constitutionalism, and the ‘Well-Regulated’ Society in Early America,” Annual Meeting, Society for Historians of the Early Republic, 2021.

“An Empire of Settlers, Land Jobbers, and Lawyers: Settler Colonialism, Legal Professionalization, and the Shaping of a Provincial Constitutional Order in Pre-Revolutionary New York,” Constituting Boundaries: Identities, Polities, and Colonial and Postcolonial Constitution-Making, 1776-2019, Pembroke College, Oxford, April 2020. (Event cancelled due to Covid-19)

Invited Commentator on Angela Fernandez, Pierson v. Post, the Hunt for the Fox: Law and Professionalization in American Legal Culture (Author Meets Reader Session), Annual Meeting, Law and Society Association, Washington, D.C., May 2019.


“Anti-Lawyerism, Legal Culture, and Popular Constitutionalism in the Age of the American Revolution,” Annual Conference, Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, Atlanta, March 2019.

“The Contest between High and Low Law in Pre-revolutionary New York,” Annual Meeting, Law and Society Association, Toronto, Canada, June 2018.


“Common Law, Common Folk, and the Pre-Revolutionary Origins of American Popular Constitutionalism,” History Department Brown Bag Lecture Series, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, November 2017.

“The Five Pounds Act and Its Enemies: Legislation, Legal Change, and Popular Politics in Late Colonial New York,” Missouri Regional Seminar on Early American History, University of Missouri, October 2016.  *invited talk


“A Province-wide Community of Lawyers: Dissemination and Monopolization of Legal Knowledge in Late Colonial New York,” Legal History Graduate Student Conference at Brown University, RI, April 2016.


“‘Those Innumerable Litigations of a Civil Nature Arising among the Lower Sort’: Justices of the Peace and Small Debt Litigation in Late Colonial New York,” Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries, Philadelphia, PA, July 2015.  *invited talk


“Courts of Single Justices of the Peace and the Small Credit Economies of Late Colonial New York,” Annual Meeting, American Society for Legal History, Denver, CO, November 2014.


“The Five Pounds Act and Its Enemies: The Debate over the Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace in Late Colonial New York,” Stony Brook University History Department Colloquium, Stony Brook, NY, March 2014.

“Local Legal and Economic Cultures and Professionalized Law in Rural New York, 1740-1775,” Conference on “Market, Law, and Ethics, 1300-1850,” Sheffield, U.K., June 2012.


“Guardians of Property: Lawyers and the Propagation of Capitalist Values in Colonial New York, 1740-1775,” Third Graduate Conference on the History of American Capitalism, Harvard University, Boston, MA, March 2011.


““No Lawyer in the Assembly”: William Livingston and the Debate on the Political Role of Lawyers in Late Colonial New York,” Stony Brook University History Department Colloquium, Stony Brook, NY, March 2010.

“Poor Relief and Moral Leadership: New York City’s Institutionalized Poor Relief, 1693-1750” New England American Studies Association Annual Conference, Lowell, MA, October 2009.

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